Links and Patties...................(tee hee)
I've kept a counter on this diary for nearly four months now and it looks as though I'm averaging about 600 page hits a month..............
That doesn't mean I've captured the attention of 600 people a month, but it's a nice number.
I owe a lot, of course, to friends and family..............and the numb, random browsing that true internet zombies do instead of sleep, eat, watch T.V. and have sex.
I took out a small text ad on a popular site for a few weeks and have kept a surprising number of readers from that........and there are those who link to my site from the comments I've left on sites I have heretofore listed to your left.
The result of all this wonderful net-working is that I've been read by people from the Asian Pacific Rim, through the middle-east and Europe, the islands of the Caribbean, South America, Canada and all over the U.S.
Frustrated traveler that those close to me know that I am, this delights me.
I owe a lot to those who have been kind enough to post a similar link to me on their sites..............some of them total strangers to me........and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.
You tell yourself, when you start up something like this, that all you really want is a place to vent............but that is bullshit on its face........what you really want is readers, tons of them.
Over the course of the next few days, I'll be adding some links to other blogs that I've found and consider amusing, or well written, or sexy...........or something. So go there.........and read.
Like Alice said.........."feed your head."
The beauty and the breast
A comment left on my prior entry inspires me to invite any of my lady readers to feel free to talk about her boobs..........and also to encourage them to send me pictures of them if they are inclined to.............I'd love to start a gallery of these artistic donations..........perhaps I'd call it "The Captain's Chests".
Thus endeth the entry...........
That doesn't mean I've captured the attention of 600 people a month, but it's a nice number.
I owe a lot, of course, to friends and family..............and the numb, random browsing that true internet zombies do instead of sleep, eat, watch T.V. and have sex.
I took out a small text ad on a popular site for a few weeks and have kept a surprising number of readers from that........and there are those who link to my site from the comments I've left on sites I have heretofore listed to your left.
The result of all this wonderful net-working is that I've been read by people from the Asian Pacific Rim, through the middle-east and Europe, the islands of the Caribbean, South America, Canada and all over the U.S.
Frustrated traveler that those close to me know that I am, this delights me.
I owe a lot to those who have been kind enough to post a similar link to me on their sites..............some of them total strangers to me........and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.
You tell yourself, when you start up something like this, that all you really want is a place to vent............but that is bullshit on its face........what you really want is readers, tons of them.
Over the course of the next few days, I'll be adding some links to other blogs that I've found and consider amusing, or well written, or sexy...........or something. So go there.........and read.
Like Alice said.........."feed your head."
The beauty and the breast
A comment left on my prior entry inspires me to invite any of my lady readers to feel free to talk about her boobs..........and also to encourage them to send me pictures of them if they are inclined to.............I'd love to start a gallery of these artistic donations..........perhaps I'd call it "The Captain's Chests".
Thus endeth the entry...........
Well, thank you for visiting my blog, and commenting, so I'll add one of my own.
And it will be about my boobs.
My boobs are small, and I have a french beauty mark on one of them, but I haven't heard any complaints, so far. No photos of my boobs are known to exist.
Thus endeth the first and last internet record of my boobs.
- the author of the Blog known as Salivating Circuits. (does anyone know what that name means?)
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