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The misadventures and musings of Cecil Boze, A.K.A CaptnGutz, on life, love, the universe and everything

"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life take big bites. Moderation is for monks."..........R. A. Heinlein

"Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.".......Cicero

"You can't be wise and in love at the same time."......Bob Dylan

The Man, The Myth, The Legend
read my bio

In the kitchen with the Captain

Since I Had My Last Cigarette

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sounds good in theory............

"If you love something, set it free.............if it is truly yours it will come back to you."


I almost lost my fucking mind that way once.

Thus endeth the entry


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Hey, I DID lose my mind that way once. I think if you love something, you need to hold on for dear life. But not too hard, or you'll freak it out.

12:31 AM  
Blogger captn said...

yeah......but lovers, spouses, boyfriends/girlfriends, and pets come and go.

You've only got one mind.

Well, unless you're a schitz......in which case it wouldn't hurt to lose one or two I suppose.

12:29 PM  

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