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The misadventures and musings of Cecil Boze, A.K.A CaptnGutz, on life, love, the universe and everything

"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life take big bites. Moderation is for monks."..........R. A. Heinlein

"Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.".......Cicero

"You can't be wise and in love at the same time."......Bob Dylan

The Man, The Myth, The Legend
read my bio

In the kitchen with the Captain

Since I Had My Last Cigarette

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Damned if you do.........

Before I proceed with this story it must be clearly understood that I am a democrat. Lest that statement fail to convey the full weight of my convictions, I will amplify by further stating that I wouldn't vote for a republican if Jesus Christ himself went on the stump with him and declared him his blood brother.........so help Him God!

There is currently a huge flap raging in my home state of Illinois concerning republican senatorial candidate Jack Ryan.
Jack Ryan was formerly married to actress Jeri Ryan who played Seven of Nine in the Star Trek Voyager series. For those not familiar with that series, Jeri Ryan is the perpetual wet-dream of the adolescent male that lives within every man.......seven feet tall, blonde, drop dead gorgeous and stacked like the proverbial masonry toilet facility.

In the divorce papers filed by Mrs. Ryan, she alleged that Mr. Ryan was continually taking her to sex-clubs and insisting that they have sex while others watched. As a three time veteran of the divorce wars, I tend to take with a grain of salt any allegations put forth in a petition for divorce. If I wanted to be really kind, I could say that the allegations made about me were "exaggerations"............but I'm still not feeling very kind so I'll just roundly state that they were a parcel of malicious and deliberate fucking lies.

Now, this is a huge deal here. Ray LaHood, one of the party hoodoos, is calling for his removal from the ticket. The editors of The Peoria Journal Star, (my local paper) have castigated the poor guy with the kind of blue-nosed verbiage you'd think would be reserved for serial child molesters. (If it gives you any idea, the editors of the Journal Star in their position of the protectors of the public morality routinely censor "Doonesbury".)

I'm pretty sure that if I ever got a shot at Jeri Ryan I would want some witnesses too, but that is beside the point.

Whether or not Jack was selling tickets to their sexual activities, the fact of the matter is that he was indeed nailing Seven of Nine on a regular basis.

If anything in the world could possibly induce me, an insane, foaming-at-the-mouth democrat, to vote for a republican, it would have to be undeniable evidence that the man actually had a pair........way to go Jack.

Thus endeth the entry......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmm... Jeri Ryan. I would so dyke out for her.


2:22 PM  

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