Things gleaned from the newspaper, washed down with alcohol, digested and shat upon the internet............and other random stuff
It's 1:30am and I have two Totino's gas station pizzas in the oven.............
For those who don't know what a Totino's pizza is, imagine cheeze whiz and bits of semi dry dog food scattered about upon a toasted, recycled toilet paper roll crust.
The only gas station pizza worthy of the name is Digiorno's.........(forgive me emmy darlin', I hope I spelled that right..........or do proper names count???)
Gather 'round children and you shall hear
It would be yesterday now(it being after midnight).............that marked the anniversary of the following:
In 55 bc roman forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.
In 1920, the 19th amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing women the right to vote, was declared in effect.
I've waxed historic to a number of intellectual twinkies in my time, but every once in a while I run into someone with a sufficient functional neural network to:
A.) recognize that my brain has a singular capacity and a peculiar bent.
B.) have enough working curiosity to wonder what happens to all the history that I read when it enters that otherworldly matrix.
You have to understand that what follows is not so much deductive as it is wildly speculative, but I have to wonder if there might not be a connection of some sorts between the two seemingly disparate events in time.
So, while my pizzas (pizzae???) are cooking, I'm going to give the interpretive rubber band of historicity a stretch that would amuse (if not amaze)even God.
I have to wonder if it didn't take 2000 years for the germ of the more or less comparatively enlightened Greco-Roman attitudes toward the role of women to insinuate itself into the proto-British society that supplanted it..........and then assert itself in an evolving American culture founded on neo-classical ideals of Greco-Roman democracy.
From an entirely different perspective, both my grand-mothers were in the neighborhood of 28 years old before they were allowed to vote for the first time.
I've often wondered if there wasn't some quiet smoldering going on the minds of those two sharp, competent and reasonably well-educated women. I don't know if they were sent to the polls with "intructions" or not.............but once inside the privacy of the booth, did they ask themselves: "Why should I vote for a man who has dedicated his political career to denying me and my girls the right to vote??"
All of which makes me wonder what is happening on the laptops hidden under the millions of bourkas in the Middle East..........and what will come of it.
On a related note
Ellen Goodman (a syndicated op-ed columnist) wrote in honor of the anniversary of suffrage, in a series of symbolic "awards", the following:
"The Musical Misogyny Baton, a downbeat award, goes to the rappers who have made the pimp into a hip status symbol. One baton for rapper Nelly, who owns and markets Pimp Juice. One for the animators who created "Lil Pimp". One for rapper 50 cent, who made $18 million on his song "P.I.M.P." And one for the video in which a rapper is seen "walking" two women on leashes. What's next? Pimp Pride day."
But will it play in Peoria?
Tuesday night, Metallica sold 7500 seats in the Civic Center in Peoria.
Wednesday night, 5500 people stood in the rain at O'Brien field to hear Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan.
Thursday night, a Snoop Dogg concert was canceled because they failed sell 1000 tickets.
How's that for taste and discernment in the hinterlands?
This pizza's really terrible..............wish I had a beer.
It just occurred to me that I've not made use of a single gratuitous obscenity in this whole diatribe.................Fuck!
The 15 year old single malt scotch I drank must've gone straight to my fingers.............I'm out of here.
Thus endeth the entry.............
For those who don't know what a Totino's pizza is, imagine cheeze whiz and bits of semi dry dog food scattered about upon a toasted, recycled toilet paper roll crust.
The only gas station pizza worthy of the name is Digiorno's.........(forgive me emmy darlin', I hope I spelled that right..........or do proper names count???)
Gather 'round children and you shall hear
It would be yesterday now(it being after midnight).............that marked the anniversary of the following:
In 55 bc roman forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.
In 1920, the 19th amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing women the right to vote, was declared in effect.
I've waxed historic to a number of intellectual twinkies in my time, but every once in a while I run into someone with a sufficient functional neural network to:
A.) recognize that my brain has a singular capacity and a peculiar bent.
B.) have enough working curiosity to wonder what happens to all the history that I read when it enters that otherworldly matrix.
You have to understand that what follows is not so much deductive as it is wildly speculative, but I have to wonder if there might not be a connection of some sorts between the two seemingly disparate events in time.
So, while my pizzas (pizzae???) are cooking, I'm going to give the interpretive rubber band of historicity a stretch that would amuse (if not amaze)even God.
I have to wonder if it didn't take 2000 years for the germ of the more or less comparatively enlightened Greco-Roman attitudes toward the role of women to insinuate itself into the proto-British society that supplanted it..........and then assert itself in an evolving American culture founded on neo-classical ideals of Greco-Roman democracy.
From an entirely different perspective, both my grand-mothers were in the neighborhood of 28 years old before they were allowed to vote for the first time.
I've often wondered if there wasn't some quiet smoldering going on the minds of those two sharp, competent and reasonably well-educated women. I don't know if they were sent to the polls with "intructions" or not.............but once inside the privacy of the booth, did they ask themselves: "Why should I vote for a man who has dedicated his political career to denying me and my girls the right to vote??"
All of which makes me wonder what is happening on the laptops hidden under the millions of bourkas in the Middle East..........and what will come of it.
On a related note
Ellen Goodman (a syndicated op-ed columnist) wrote in honor of the anniversary of suffrage, in a series of symbolic "awards", the following:
"The Musical Misogyny Baton, a downbeat award, goes to the rappers who have made the pimp into a hip status symbol. One baton for rapper Nelly, who owns and markets Pimp Juice. One for the animators who created "Lil Pimp". One for rapper 50 cent, who made $18 million on his song "P.I.M.P." And one for the video in which a rapper is seen "walking" two women on leashes. What's next? Pimp Pride day."
But will it play in Peoria?
Tuesday night, Metallica sold 7500 seats in the Civic Center in Peoria.
Wednesday night, 5500 people stood in the rain at O'Brien field to hear Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan.
Thursday night, a Snoop Dogg concert was canceled because they failed sell 1000 tickets.
How's that for taste and discernment in the hinterlands?
This pizza's really terrible..............wish I had a beer.
It just occurred to me that I've not made use of a single gratuitous obscenity in this whole diatribe.................Fuck!
The 15 year old single malt scotch I drank must've gone straight to my fingers.............I'm out of here.
Thus endeth the entry.............