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The misadventures and musings of Cecil Boze, A.K.A CaptnGutz, on life, love, the universe and everything

"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life take big bites. Moderation is for monks."..........R. A. Heinlein

"Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.".......Cicero

"You can't be wise and in love at the same time."......Bob Dylan

The Man, The Myth, The Legend
read my bio

In the kitchen with the Captain

Since I Had My Last Cigarette

Friday, September 24, 2004

Late Night T.V.

I love the lingering taste of liquid peat.............

Jimmy Swaggert, Minister of Morals..........wasn't he the one who got caught in a motel room with a hooker??

I'm so hungry I could eat the ass out of a hundred thousand holsteins........

Captain Video............signing off!

Thus endeth the entry..................

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Perchance to Dream................

It is very early in the morning.............Cheyenne is in my bed sleeping like a baby and I am not.

Rather than sit in the darkness and curse the porch-light, I will dabble here for a bit.

I took Cheyenne to Tom Cat's for pizza last night. Shortly after we ordered, the incredibly edible Sabre' breezed in like a zephyr...........running fashionably late.

She was clad in a beaded, embroidered and backless halter top with a diaphanous, apron-like affair whispering over her belly. A garment that resonated with every remaining,"ancient hippy" fiber of my soul...........striking the chords of nostalgia for those halcyon days when we endlessly (and mindlessly) re-enacted the summer of love and thought youth would never end.

She was lovely and the top was exquisite..............and I told her so. I even hazarded the use of the words "exquisite" and "lovely"........which, of course, are among that group of words that, when used by a man, will significantly diminish the body's store of testosterone and, if used too often, will actually reduce the length and girth of one's penis.

I was graciously given permission, not only to take her picture, but to post it here as well................

Tres sweet...........or what, eh?

The top, I mean..............

Thus endeth the entry.........

Saturday, September 18, 2004

In the Twilight Glow................

My brain and body are so fucking tired............

I'd sell my soul for some sleep.


Cecil Boze

I feel like crying.

Thus endeth the entry.............

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Odd Notes on a Drunken Dobro............

It's two Abby shots past a million beer thirty in the morning............

It was a typical Friday night of occasionally atonal, always entertaining Karaoke.

I left River City Bar and Grill with three scribbled on napkins, a styro-foam cup and a raging case of the munchies.

Friday night is usually Pizza night............but it is also "free food night" at Tom Cat's. I was testing some new sauces tonight, so I blew off the pizza, knowing full well that I would be out of control hungry by the time the night was over.

So, I am working through the process of making this box of chicken parts hot enough to eat................I am a professional, Kids, do not try this at home if you are really drunk.

So while the chicken "cooks" I will hold forth...........

I went to a concert in Normal, Illinois circa 1978..........Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen. Casey was a babe in arms. Cody had a lady violinist with hair so long she had to put a knot in it to keep it off the floor. He did a rendition of "Down to Seeds and Stems Blues" with her that nearly made me weep it was so beautifully done.

Which leads me to the whole idea of chicks and violins.............I love them. I want Vanessa May to straddle me while she is playing something by Mozart. (Tiny oriental lady with a British accent who plays violin.........does it get any better???) Guess which Dixie Chick I like the best..................

Poor ol' Bill Clinton had a By-pass ...............does that mean fat chicks are high in cholesterol?.................hmmmmmm

I was born in 1950, and grew up in the 50's and 60's.............

Grannie dresses were rather shapeless affairs but were tres sexy notwithstanding, in that nothing was worn underneath them....................one gesture, and the girl was naked. Among the erotic memories associated with my first wife is an afternoon in Marceline, Missouri. I laid on my back in the grass, in the town square, and she straddled my body. Her Grannie dress billowed over me. I undid my pants and entered her while people walked around us...................the only way I can imagine it being more intense would be if she were twins.

Tom Cat's has a new bartender. A lovely and charming young lady with the extraordinarily unique name of Sabre' (pronounced Say-bra).

I have commented before about Tom Cat's bartenders. All are smart, pretty, personable, and well formed.............across a wide range of personalities and body styles.

Of course, the "art deco".........lithe and lean...... seems to have a slight ascendancy over the more "zaftig", it still betrays an aficionado's eye and instinct at work.

My chicken is done.............it really sucks. Imagine reheated, deep fried, chicken dust.........but, to be fair, the breading almost seems to have some flavor to it.

Where I was??? Oh yeah...................Sabre' (imagine the little drooly face guy here).

I've held forth in bars and coffee shops for nearly 4 decades now...............and the ladies that have attended to my needs fall rather neatly into three major categories:

Passing through.............
In dire need of an old man with a good job..........
destined for a career in food service..........

Sabre' is passing through.............

A semester shy of a pre-med bachelor's degree at prestigious Bradley University, she decided that her own hopes and expectations were a better arbiter of her future than those of her parents and family.

She is still in school and off in a direction of her own choosing ..............

she is 23 years old.............

she reads .............

and likes beer................

I don't know if she likes milk or dark chocolate yet............I'll have to get back to you.

Normally, if I regard a woman under the age of 30 worthy of more than tying up, lubricating and doing things to, I will wish that she were 40 years old.

Which is the same as saying that, assuming they are reasonably honest about who they are, they have the potential of maturing into an interesting and possibly even mentally stable human being.

Every once in a rare while, I encounter a lady who makes me wish I were 25 again................*sigh*.

Welcome to Tom Cat's darlin'.

The ability to pick one's nose with one's tongue is impressive.............and I can understand it, I suppose, as a desirable trait in a man, but it seems so..........bovine.

If I were a female, I think I would,at least, hold out for the fellow who could lick his eybrows, or (even better) take a quarter out of the bottom of a beer glass with his tongue...............which would at least be prehensile.

The truly discerning woman, however, would seek the man who could trace sonnets on a sweet pea...............and breathe through his ears.

I overheard a guy at the bar tonight who said: "I love it when a girl says "fuck"........."

Personally, I love it when a girl shaves her pussy and swallows.

Thus endeth the entry.............

Saturday, September 04, 2004

In for a penny........................

Chillicothe's annual Fall festival/fund raiser is right around the corner, as evidenced by the colorful plastic piggy banks that are starting to grace the various bars and establishments about town.

A rib cook-off gives the event a pork theme, and the various drinking emporiums and eateries put up a candidate for a pig-kissing contest. The person who collects the most money gets to kiss the pig, of course, and the money collected goes to some worthy local charity.

For several years running, darling, delectable Abby, of River City Bar and Grill walked away with the prize (lucky pig!!).........but I believe Abby has since retired from competition.

As sweet and quaint as the whole idea is, it betrays the limitations of small town thinking............

One of these years we ought to go "big city" and pony up enough cash to get the pig a blow job.

Thus endeth the entry........

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Patience, Chaotic One, Pizzas and cats................

I swore when I started this thing that I wouldn't get into exchanges with commenters.

However, these are not anonymous detractors, but people I care about..........so in the face of that reality I must reply.

My last entry was not intended to be a "this-was-a-week-that-was" chonicle-ization (is there such a word?), but rather an intoxicated, impromptu, wee-hours-of-the- morning diatribe...........

meant to be more of a fill in while I worked on my updates than anything else.

Meanwhile, I have the three promised updates to the Log, and two of the updates to "Cooking" in partial stages of completion in draft form.

For those unfamiliar with this blog host, the posting of pictures through "Hello", is a relatively simple, point-and-click process on a one picture at a time basis...........but a tedious affair when trying to incorporate a number of pictures into a single entry that involves about 4 separate processes per picture..........one fucking picture at a time.

As I said, there is a bend in the mental river that had me seeing a connection between Rome's invasion of Britain, Woman's suffrage in America, Ellen Goodman's comments on same, and Snoop Dogg falling through his ass in Peoria .......and being amused by the fact that they all occurred on the same date.
Of course it may have just been a small, alcohol induced stroke.........I have been under a good deal of stress lately.

Getting half drunk more or less takes the leash off what ordinarily would pass for good judgement, discretion and (sometimes) tact.........in that I am no different than anyone else.......it also turns my fingers into the functional equivalent of Ball Park franks when it comes to typing, but that is irrelevant............however, it doesn't stop my brain from going about 90 miles a minute.

Keeping a blog was intended to be a "what the fuck?" outlet for stuff like that, as much as (if not more than) it was ever intended to share the significant events of my life with strangers..........in addition to which, I don't have to jump through a lot of hoops to post an entry like that............drink, sit down, type.......easy!

There are people who think liver tastes great, and people who don't like Godiva Belgian Dark Chocolate Ice Cream..........

Therefore, sans apologie ...............I like Digiornio's one hell of a lot better than Totino's, I don't like cats (but I've never tried a nice, fat one deep fried)

And my sweetie pie's birthday entry is being feverishly pegged away at.......both of them, along with the concert entry.

but, yes...........exactly one year ago Aug. 26th my second grandchild, Hallie Andromeda was born.........which, upon sober reflection, considering the implications of the point I think I was trying to make.........is way fucking relevant!

new-born Hallie and Grandpa

Patience, Grasshopper.................patience.........

Thus endeth the entry.............
