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The misadventures and musings of Cecil Boze, A.K.A CaptnGutz, on life, love, the universe and everything

"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life take big bites. Moderation is for monks."..........R. A. Heinlein

"Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.".......Cicero

"You can't be wise and in love at the same time."......Bob Dylan

The Man, The Myth, The Legend
read my bio

In the kitchen with the Captain

Since I Had My Last Cigarette

Saturday, June 23, 2007


My televison viewing informs me that there is a new program up and coming about the advertising industry of the 60's.
Among the blurb's I've caught in the hyping of this show:

"These are the people who convinced us that smoking was good for us."

"Your idea of love was created by the advertising industry to sell pantyhose."

O.K.....................it's a given that advertising has created and sustained falsehoods to serve in the stead of truth. That the general capacity of the public to buy into these falsehoods has had devastating effects on health, economy, foriegn policy......you name it.
So what?.................... For the most part stupid people deserve what they get.

However, I saw an ad tonight that just went too fucking far. It stated: "Nothing says love to a man like "high definition".................Nothing."

Ladies...........let there be no confusion or equivocation on this point.

To a man................love is, always has been, and always will be best defined and demonstrated by..............frequent, gratutious, and unsolicited blow jobs.

......and don't forget to swallow.

Thus endeth the entry..............

Friday, June 08, 2007


I hoofed it down to the theater tonight to watch the 3rd installment of "Pirates of the Caribbean"...........I loved it. I've enjoyed all of them actually, though I know those that didn't think too much of one or the other or both of them. I think the secret is to not view them too critically.........and to be old enough to have been impressed with Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean" ride at Disneyland. I was eighteen when I first saw it.....but I was tripping my tits off so I suppose you could say that I entered into it with a rather child-like perspective.
After the movie I wended my way back home from bar to bar.......
a beer at Marge's, a beer and a shot at Crazy Charlies and a beer at River City.
I cut through the cemetary (as is my usual habit)........cemetaries are peaceful places at night, I don't find them at all creepy or scary. It will probably happen that I will wind up spending a long time in one some day so I figure I might as well get used to it, ya reckon?
When I first hired out on the railroad, there were those of the soon-to-be-retired "old heads" that treated the young guys with a degree of decency in spite of our long hair, wild ways and total lack of conventional regard for our elders. I liked those guys....they took the time to pass along the things they knew and I'm certain that my body and perhaps my life was spared grievous harm on more than one occasion as a result of their patience and guidance. I cherish the memory of those men........most of whom have since passed away.
On the other hand, there were those who figured that,since they had been severly fucked with by the old heads when they were new to the job, now that they were in a position of petty authority it was only fair that they pass along to us the torture that they had suffered in their youth. I didn't begrudge them, this being a common enough trait of humans everywhere in every time...railroading was and is a demanding and dangerous job. Perhaps it was right to bring pressure to bear on the newhire so as to weed out quickly those who truly couldn't cut it. My response to this was simply to steer clear of these piss-ant despots as much as possible.
However, there were two men who were just plain mean to me. they went out of their way to make my life miserable and looked for opportunities to subject me to company discipline.......they tried to get me fired. This I couldn't overlook..............the welfare of my family depended on that job and these men threatened that. They had no cause beside that of just not liking me. In short they were assholes.
I hated them...seriously. When they died I had as regret only that they hadn't suffered longer and that I wasn't there to witness it.
Tonight as I made my way through the cemetary, I happened to spot one of those men's graves. I stopped for a while looking down at the stone and the mound, reflecting on the visceral hatred I had once borne this man and I realized that time had taken much of the fire out of my feelings for him. I couldn't seem to summon hatred for him any more.
Now, this doesn't mean that I had forgiven him, or forgotten his offenses ....but I had certainly mellowed.
In fact, I decided as I stood there that I could even be generous...............
So I shared a couple of beers with him.

I wonder where the other fucker is buried.

Thus endeth the entry...............
